Article I: Name
The name of this organization shall be The Canadian Society for the Study of Practical
Ethics/Société canadienne pour l'étude de l'éthique appliquée.. It may be
referred to as the CSSPE/SCEEA or the Society/la Société.
Article II: Purpose
The CSSPE shall promote the exchange of ideas among
scholars, educators and practitioners concerned with ethics to encourage
interdisciplinary discussion and research, foster better education and practice,
and contribute solutions to present and future problems in practical ethics.
The objectives of the CSSPE are exclusively educational, literary, scholarly and
scientific. The Society shall not contribute funds to any organization which is
not a tax exempt organization under Canadian tax law. In the event of the
dissolution of the CSSPE, its officers shall, after paying or making provision
for payment of all the liabilities of the Society, dispose of all the Society's
assets in such a way as to promote only such purposes as are exclusively
educational, literary or scientific.
The purposeof the CSSPE shall be served by:
holding of conferences at which addresses, symposia,
papers, and discussions concerning problems of practical ethics are presented;
the publication, if possible, of these proceedings, as well
as of any additional items germane to the purpose of the CSSPE;
the encouragement of research into and discussion of
fundamental problems in practical ethics, and the theory, teaching and
practice of ethics.
Article III: Meetings of the CSSPE
The CSSPE shall hold an annual conference and other
meetings as are deemed appropriate to its purposes.
Additionally, executive or other committee meetings shall
be held as are deemed appropriate to the purposes of the CSSPE.
The annual conference meeting shall include an appropriate program on practical
ethics, a business meeting, and such other matters as the Executive Committee
shall deem appropriate to the purposes of the CSSPE.
The Executive Committee or its delegates shall be responsible for all aspects of
the program including time, locations, and local arrangements; the
determination of program content, and the setting of conference fees; the
solicitation for participation, vetting and selectors of papers, and the
setting of conditions for participation.
Article IV: Officers and Terms of Office
(a) There shall be a President who shall be the
Chairperson of the Executive Committee and an ex-officio member of all
committees. The President shall preside at meetings of the Executive Committee
and otherwise oversee the operations of the Society. The President's term of
office shall be two years.
(b) There shall be a Vice-President who shall assist
the President in such duties as the President may require. The term of office of
the Vice-President shall be two years. In the event of the death, disability, or
resignation of the President during his or her term, the Vice-President shall
assume the office of President. In that event, at the next annual meeting, an
election of a new Vice-President shall be held and the continuing President
shall begin a new term of office.
(c) There shall be a Secretary-Treasurer who shall
maintain membership and budget records of the Society and shall distribute a
report of the financial and other affairs of the Society at least annually. In
addition, the Secretary-Treasurer shall carry out such other duties as may be
deemed appropriate by the Executive Committee. The Secretary-Treasurer shall be
elected for a two-year term of office.
(d) Two to five Members-at-Large, who shall be elected
for a two-year term of office.
(e) In the event of the death, disability or
resignation of the Vice-President or Secretary-Treasurer, the Executive
Committee shall appoint a replacement to serve until the next scheduled
election. The Executive Committee may also fill any vacancies among the
Members-at-Large until the next scheduled election.
Article V: Executive Committee
There shall be an Executive Committee of the Society which shall be composed as follows:
The President, during his or her term of office.
The Vice-President, during his or her term of office.
The Secretary-Treasurer, during his or her term of office.
The immediate Past-President of the CSSPE.
Two to five Members-at-Large.
The Executive Committee shall meet as deemed appropriate to
the purposes of CSSPE.
A meeting of the Executive Committee may be called by the
President at any time. A meeting shall be called when requested by two members
of the Committee. Reasonable notice of time and place of meeting shall be
given. Meetings may be conducted in person or by Internet exchange, telephone
conference call, or other media that permit all members of the Executive
Committee to participate.
- quorum is necessary for a meeting. Matters acted upon shall, however, be
submitted to the vote of all members of the Committee by mail, fax, telephone,
E-mail or other remote form of balloting, if necessary.
Article VI: Elections
(a) Elections shall be held in April, whenever
necessary to fill a vacancy in office, whether by expiration of term or for any
other reason.
(b) Only members of the CSSPE in good standing shall be
allowed to vote in any election or on any change in the constitution or in the
(c) The method of selection shall be as follows: Not
later than 45 days before an election, the Executive Committee shall designate
candidates for each office to be voted on and, by mail, shall notify all members
in good standing of the nominations. Those who desire to nominate others may do
so by a petition of nomination signed by a member in good standing plus the
consent of the nominees, and mailed to the Secretary-Treasurer at least 20 days
prior to the election. The Secretary-Treasurer shall notify all members in good
standing of such nominees.
(d) Elections shall be conducted by the
Secretary-Treasurer who, during the month of April, shall send to each member
who was in good standing on the first day of April, a ballot stating thereon
that, in order to be valid, the ballot must be postmarked by midnight of the
stipulated due date, which shall be set at least 15 days after the mailing.
(e) Newly elected officers shall take office at the
conclusion of the annual meeting.
Article VII: Members and Dues
Anyone interested in the purposes of the CSSPE/SCEEA is
eligible for membership. Upon application to the Secretary-Treasurer and
payment of the current year's dues, he or she shall be classed as a member in
good standing.
Members who shall have paid the current year's dues shall
be members in good standing. Members who have not paid past dues may regain
good standing at any time upon payment of the full dues for the current year.
dues for annual membership in the CSSPE shall be such as
are determined by the Executive Committee as approved at a regular meeting by
a majority of those present.
- The
membership year of the CSSPE shall begin on September 1. Notice of dues shall
be sent to members during the month of September.
- The
fiscal year of the CSSPE/SCEEA shall run from April 1 to March 31 of the
following year.
Article VIII: Committees
The Executive Committee shall create any committees, standing or ad hoc, as
it shall judge appropriate, and shall appoint their members and chairpersons.
Article IX: Provisions for By-Laws
By-laws may be adopted or amended only at a regular meeting
of the CSSPE by a majority of those present.
Any proposal for amending the by-laws of the Society must
be announced to the full membership at least one month in advance of the
meeting at which a vote is to be taken.
Members not in attendance at the regular meeting may vote
by mail by sending a ballot to the Secretary-Treasurer postmarked not later
than 20 days before the meeting.
Article X: Amendments to the Constitution
This constitution may be amended only at a regular business
meeting of the CSSPE by a majority.
Any proposal for amendment of this constitution must be
announced to the full membership of the Society at least one month in advance
of the meeting at which a vote is to be taken.
Article XI
revised constitution was adopted at the CSSPE/SCEEA Annual General Meeting on
May 28, 1996 at Brock University. It replaces the original constitution, which
was adopted on May 31, 1988.