Call for Abstracts


The Canadian Society for the Study of Practical Ethics invites submissions on any topic in the significant areas of practical ethics, as well as topics addressing ethical issues and concerns arising in the humanities, social sciences, sciences, professions, and other areas of activity and learning.

We will be holding the conference at York University, Toronto ON, Canada on May 28-30 2023, joining in with Congress.



Submissions must include a 500 word (max) abstract.

Send abstracts to: no later than January 15, 2023


Don MacNiven Student Prize:

Graduate students are encouraged to submit papers for consideration for the Don MacNiven Student Prize. To be considered, you must submit your abstract by January 15, 2023. If accepted, you must submit a full conference paper (4000 words max) by April 15, 2023.

Important Dates:

January 15, 2023: Abstract Submission deadline

March 15, 2023: Acceptance notification

April 15, 2023: Membership fees due for all presenters

May 28-30, 2023: Conference