Call for Papers
Volume 10, Canadian Journal of Practical Philosophy
โCOVID-19 Unabated: Issues and Perspectivesโ
The Canadian Journal of Practical Philosophy (CJPP), is an on-line, open access publication founded and edited by Philip MacEwen ( and Sandra Tomsons (
It is published by the University of Windsor through its Leddy Library on-line, open access publishing unit.
The current website of the CJPP is
Beginning with Volume 8 and continuing thereafter, the website of the CJPP will be
Papers are solicited for Volume 10, โCOVID-19 Unabated: Issues and Perspectives.โ
The COVID-19 pandemic has been with us since the end of 2019 and shows no signs of disappearing anytime soon. Hundreds of millions of people have been stricken by the virus and millions of people have died from it.
Papers are welcome on any aspect and treatment of the COVID-19 pandemic which falls under the rubric of practical philosophy, i.e., practical learning broadly construed.
The CJPP has already issued one volume on COVID-19 (โLiving with COVID-19: Issues and Perspectives,โ Volume 6, 2021).
Writers interested in submitting papers to Volume 10 may want to consult Volume 6 in planning their own submissions.
Papers should be no more than 5000 words, double-spaced, written in 12-point font, Times New Roman, and submitted to the Editors as Word-document attachments.
Authors should include 1) an abstract (no more than 100 words), 2) a bio (no more than 50 words), and 3) a list of keywords at the beginning of their papers. At the end of their papers, they should include 4) a list of References.
Authors should use one of the standard systems of referencing (e.g., APA; CMS; MLA) appropriate to the discipline in which there are writing.
If papers are interdisciplinary (e.g., humanities, science, social science, the professions, etc.), authors should use, as much as possible, the standard system of referencing appropriate to the dominant disciplinary orientation of their papers.
For examples of formatting and referencing, please consult previous volumes of the CJPP,
Papers may be submitted in either English or French.
The deadline for submission of papers is August 31, 2022. Please send submissions to the editors, Philip MacEwen ( and Sandra Tomsons (
Volume 10 will be published in the Fall of 2022.